Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 23, 2010 - A Virtual Memorial for our Mom - Charlotte Wengler

I have had a very sad month. My Mom had a cardiac arrest on March 13 which caused her to be in a coma. The doctors determined that even if she came out of it, she would never fully recover. our dear mother passed away with all of her children and grandchildern by her side at 1:22 am on the morning of March 18. Since many of us were from out of town, we requested the services as soon as possible, and the best we could do was have the wake on Monday, the funeral on Tuesday, and the burial on Wednesday.

Preparing for services is an emotional task...none of us has had any quality of sleep, and it seems like this whole thing is a bad dream. My sisters Tina, Lala and I went down to the funeral parlor on Monday morning the 22nd to dress Mama and prepare her hair and makeup. She was so pretty, just like she was in a deep sleep. Each of us felt it to be such an honor to do this last little bit of pampering for her.

The services were absolutely lovely. Only the very best for Mom. We sisters danced a hula that we normally would dance with our Mom...except she was in the casket.She was so beautiful! We had a lei offering ceremony where we chanted an 'oli, and the keiki (children) and mo'opuna (grandchildren) offered our best fresh leis to adorn her casket. My brother 'Umi wrote a beautiful Kanikau (chant for a passing loved one). The funeral was beautiful, and we laid our Mama's ashes to rest as we sang Aloha 'Oe. The babies - our nieces, nephews were so broken up. I never cried so many tears in my entire life.

This is definitely the saddest time in my life. My heart is broken; I feel like humpty dumpty, except instead of my head, it's my heart.
I was in a state of severe grief for the last few weeks, almost unable to function. Now however I feel like am on the way to healing. I miss her dearly, and am trying to get back in the swing of things by reading, writing, and caring about life once again.

It is helpful that I am studying the theory of Hope, and I have actually regained some renewed hope for myself in the process.
You can check out the virtual memorial site I put together here. I am still adding pictures, but this is what we have so far...


Take care dear friends. I love you very much. Love to your Mothers as well.

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